Plot Twists
In my last post, I mentioned that everyone's journey is different. Our journey began in childhood and has been tumultuous at times and smooth at other times. It isn't easy. I don't think anyone's journey is easy, whether they are farming, working in the corporate world, or have a blue-collar job. All jobs are worthy of respect, and the recognition that they require effort and gumption. The point is there is a story for every person and that story would be very boring if it were written with the same plot for the main characters (or protagonists). In mine and Alex's story, we have quite a bit of rising action and many climactic scenes that keep leading up to a great falling action, and finally a resolution. BUT, we are not quite ready to reach the end of our story. Our short story turned into a novel somewhere along the way. In this novel, we have lots of plot twists and some pretty great supporting characters to make this story go fo...