The Adventures of Little Miss Candy Cane Jayne, Entry #2
Hi Everyone! I am still so very excited about this blog and I have been thinking all week about what I should make my second post about and then it hit me! Since I am using Alex and Amy’s blog, I thought I would tell you about how I met them! I guess it was about six or seven years ago, I was on a mission for Santa. He wanted me to go to Hershey, PA but somehow my sled landed in Virginia. It was a full moon that night and for some reason, my official North Pole GPS was acting really strange. My system said I was over Pennsylvania, but I was actually over Virginia! I did think it was strange that I kept seeing these blue-colored mountains and I thought I even saw a really big lake and I knew that wasn’t supposed to be in the middle of Hershey. I looked around for a field to land Donder and Blitzen in so I could call Vespucci. He is our elf in charge of all the routes us elves take when we run ...