
Showing posts from August, 2022

The Adventures of Little Miss Candy Cane Jayne, Entry #2

Hi Everyone!  I am still so very excited about this blog and I have been thinking all week about what I should make my second post about and then it hit me!  Since I am using Alex and Amy’s blog, I thought I would tell you about how I met them!  I guess it was about six or seven years ago, I was on a mission for Santa.    He wanted me to go to Hershey, PA but somehow my sled landed in Virginia.    It was a full moon that night and for some reason, my official North Pole GPS was acting really strange.    My system said I was over Pennsylvania, but I was actually over Virginia!    I did think it was strange that I kept seeing these blue-colored mountains and I thought I even saw a really big lake and I knew that wasn’t supposed to be in the middle of Hershey.    I looked around for a field to land Donder and Blitzen in so I could call Vespucci.    He is our elf in charge of all the routes us elves take when we run ...

The Adventures of Little Miss Candy Cane Jayne, Entry #1

Hello Everyone!  My name is Candy Cane Jane and I am one of Santa's special elves.  I live at the North Pole, but I get to travel all over the world!  I have been to so many places that it would take me an entire year to tell you about all of them!  My friends at The Burning Barrel Farm are kind of enough to let me come visit them whenever I am close by.  Alex and Amy love to make me a cup of homemade hot chocolate and little Miss Morgan, well she makes the BEST banana white chocolate chip muffins I have ever eaten.   One day, I was sitting in their kitchen and we were chit-chatting about my latest adventure to Ireland where I visited my cousin, Gael (she's a leprechaun, you know) and Alex suggested I write my adventures down.  He said I could even use their blog!  And I thought, "What a novel idea!"  So here I am introducing myself and letting you know how excited I am to share with you some of the adventures I have had in some of the c...

Um, Say What?! In AUGUST?!?!

<!-- Google Tag Manager (noscript) --> <noscript><iframe src="" height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe></noscript> <!-- End Google Tag Manager (noscript) --> Did you know that August is National Family Fun month? Recently, I was looking up a few things on the internet and came across this novel idea and it literally made me laugh out loud. Seriously, why designate just one month for your family to have fun in? And ESPECIALLY August?! Let’s face it, August has to be one of the top three most stressful months for most modern families. Kids are so involved in activities (which is not necessarily a bad thing), that there is hardly any time to transition from summer activities and vacations to getting ready to go back to school. Parents are usually running around getting a million school supplies, going to “Back to School” nigh...