No Need to Tiptoe around it
Soft breezes, green pastures, and a cacophony of various frog songs often ring through the air in the spring on our farm. All summer, it is the sound of squawking birds flying through the hot and humid sky. In the winter, it is the silence. The peacefulness that cold nights and falling snowflakes bring. But the most influential time of year is the fall. It is the combination of falling acorns, bustling winds, warm sunshine, and the overall feeling of change in the air. It is a feeling you cannot really escape. It sneaks up on you and gently taps your shoulder to remind you that something different is about to happen and you better be ready. For us, it is a mixture of uneasiness and excitement all in one. This fall was no different. It was the ever-constant workload calling our name every day, beckoning us to keep pushing as hard as we could go. Raising your own food and tending to animals is a job with no vacation days, no sick days,...